Saturday 8 August 2009

I am here to apologise

I disappeared. I know I did and if I'm honest while I was gone I sort of decided not to come back. I don't really have an excuse, I have been a bit busier than usual but I still have time post stuff on my tumblr. (Yes I have a tumblr. I don't really see my tumblr as a blog because all I do on it is post pretty pictures all the time.) 
The main reason for why I was gone is lack of inspiration. I had literally no idea about what to post. I kept on thinking "you know, you should really post something soon" but never did. I'm going to keep this going and I actually have a few ideas of what to write about now about. I would write about my day to day life but it is probably a bit too boring - do you really want to hear about my trip to Chessington World of Adventures and the sleepover that followed it? Probably not because, although doing these things are fun, they can be a bit dull to read about. 
For now I must love you and leave you because I am about to go to the seaside and I need to get dressed. 
(I just read this over, it's sort of badly written but I don't have time to change anything right now. I'll come back to it later.)

Tuesday 28 July 2009

I have a girl crush on Laura Marling

It's hard not to really. She's pretty in this weird innocent fairy type of way that makes me go weak at the knees. I think I've been annoying my sister but playing her songs on repeat all the time but, as much as I try to listen to other music, nothing compares to what she sounds like.

Monday 27 July 2009

Welcome to the circus

Let's not avoid social niceties. I am starting this blog, like so many have done before me, with an introduction. Unoriginal I know but let's not dwell on that. First of all you should probably know that I'm not going to tell you my name. Not trying to appear mysterious or anything it's just that my name is ridiculously easy to google and I don't want those in the real world finding this. Above you can see what my face looks like with light shining on it. Let's start this again.

My name is undisclosed, I am fifteen and I want to be a writer. I say I want to be a writer but a month ago I wanted to be an artist and the month before that I wanted to be a magazine editor. I don't like where I live but if I'm honest it could be worse. One of the things I find most annoying is trying to describe where it is. Technically it is South West Greater London but it's only just in there. Right on the cusp between London and Surrey. The place itself bores me rigid but it only takes twenty minutes on the train to get to Waterloo so that's alright.

I tried this whole blogging malarky before and abandoned it after two posts. Don't worry though, I think I'll stay with this one.